Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Exaltation of The Cross

This was my call to Ireland. Yes, there will be PhD work and the beauty of exploring and researching New Monasticism and there will be fruit from this venture as I can attest to a number of people here who already listen in rapt attention when I speak of things spiritual and loving. This is the blessing of the cross. But alongside this there will be trials of the sort that is to bring healing to this country and so many hurt, abandoned and feeling alone as Ireland does not know how to approach healing the trauma that exists here.

And I wonder each day... has my life and its own suffering and experience and education led me to this cross to embrace? So as I am blessed, I am also under trial. And isn't that what we are all called to in a life of holiness.... to embrace the cross? To rely completely on Him who calls us to act in the world? And as a Benedictine, aren't I to spend my life navigating the subtlety of prayer and whatever work God calls me to do in a spirit of peace and harmony, knowing that it is His will to decide when to accost a soul with trial and simultaneously bless them with every grace to be fruitful? Isn't that why I have courage and yet can remain as a child, humble and apt to cultivate purity of heart? To see both the cross in front of me and the rainbow overhead and to remain in a state of awe and wonder at the actions of my Beloved as He rushes through me like water to fill every nook and cranny needing His help? And isn't this why I feel breathless after every one of these moments? And energized to His power and magnificence?

I said my prayers this morning to Mary, to cover me with the mantle of her purity and grace to intercede for me to her Son. I was struck over and over again this morning that Jesus was called to save sinners. And for those who listen, the saving is kind and gentle; those who are rebellious, the saving is full of trial and they may refuse and walk straight on to the path of the hell they create for themselves. But the first echo within me of the Divine call many years ago was, "Save sinners." And it was a command, not a question. And so I do as best as I can. And I am never alone, Christ is within me. And even though I have been beset by the normal spiritual trials of my own spiritual development, and the ungodly at every turn tries to deceive and frighten me, my house is built on the rock of Faith and cannot be washed away. And so I go, arms submitted to the Beloved I love, who comes before all else and surrender to His plan for me. And His plan is always this.... there is the grace that pours down through me from Him to others and the trials and burden to bear. But since I am yoked to Christ, His yoke is easy and His burden is light. And so He blesses me every day with something.

And so this refrain today... a son of God waits to be spoken to in sentences of love. It is patience that makes us divine. Exult in the embrace of the cross as you lay your head on the dust and dirt of the feet of Christ and gaze up into His eyes of compassion and know this one truth. It is mercy He desired. His words were of love and empathy for the sinners in His midst... He wanted to heal the world. And that means you and me.

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